About Me

Hi, you can call me “take”!


Lanzhou University, September 2019 - June 2023

Fig 3

Major: Physics (Theoretical Physics) Bachelor’s Degree

Here, I encountered a group of wonderful people, all very friendly. I made some friends here who are still very close to me. My undergraduate supervisor is also a very friendly and interesting person, providing me with a lot of help. This is his homepage. I highly encourage you to study under him, you will receive patient guidance and gain a friend.

Westlake University, now -

Fig 2

Learning Quantum Monte Carlo computations with a focus on SSE (Stochastic Series Expansion)

I am currently a beginner in SSE. I referenced Sandvik’s tutorial and created an introductory tutorial on SSE calculations for the Heisenberg Model to help someone like me. You can find it on my GitHub page.

Fig 7 Fig 4 Fig 6

The research group I am part of primarily focuses on critical phenomena and novel quantum states using quantum Monte Carlo methods. Our supervisor is very nice, with broad interests and frequent innovative ideas. We welcome everyone to join us.

Something not importrant

MBTI(?): While I am open-minded when it comes to formal collaborations, I am indeed someone who needs time and space for solitude. Generally, I am Introverted. If you’d like to be friends with me, it’s better to start about cats.😼~